Our curatorial database is designed to create a pool of artist from which truly unique shows may be born....... .
To be registered send info to curator
1. present documentation of your work .
Work may be in any medium.
visual art
multi media
We prefer images to be in a digital format but will accept 35mm slides, vhs, MP3 or other forms please e-mail if you have questions
2. include a one page statement about your work
3. include an artists bio.
4. your contact info
Name..... address,......zip......,phone......e-mail
5. submit your url (if you have one)
This registration process helps build our community by giving promoters curators directors etc. a spot to search for the talent they need . In exchange the artist gets exposure and an opportunity for a variety of industry people to view a sample of his/her work. If the artist is chosen for a production or show at Facility3 they will be part or our online archives.